Stakeholders inspect a damaged canal during WFP field tour of Maunganidze Irrigation Scheme. CHIPINGE – World Food Programme, a United Nations organisation that offers development and humanitarian work in 80 countries worldwide has come to give a lifeline to rural Chipinge after lining up various projects that will improve the livelihoods of peasants in the district under a programme called Food Assistance For Assets (FFA). The FFA program (which is similar to former food for work) shall be implemented in all the 30 wards of Chipinge rural. Giving an overview of the FFA programme during a workshop that was held from from 27 to 29 July at the District Development Coordinator's boardroom in Chipinge, Head of Satellite Office and 3 PA Lead Facilitator Mr Preacherd Donga indicated that the organisation has moved from giving food handouts to support people who are doing something on their own. "WFP is no longer giving food hangouts but it supports efforts by those who are doing something own their own to improve their livelihoods. People have to identify, recommend and implement own livelihood projects, then WFP comes in to support such," said Mr Donga. 

Mr Preacherd Donga (second from left) talks to implanting partners Goal Zimbabwe staff. "21 out of the 30 rural wards are ranked in the red category meaning that they are highly food insecure, 3 in the food insecure orange category, 3 in the partially food secure yellow and the remaining 3 in the food secure green category," continued Donga. "All the 21 highly food insecure wards are targeted in the first phase of Aug-Sept 2019, while those in orange will be covered by the second phase of Oct-Dec 2019 and the yellow ones in the last phase of Jan 2020. Of the 21 wards in red, 15 are currently benefiting under the Cyclone Idai Response program," Donga added. On the last day of the workshop (Saturday), World Food Programme held a field tour with all stakeholders led by the Chipinge District Development Coordinator, William Mashava represented by his assistant Tedious Beto. 

Group photo of the FFA workshop participants on Chipinge. The team visited Maunganidze Irrigation Scheme in Ward 4 to see the nature of works that have to be done after two of the scheme's three pumps succumbed to Tropical Cyclone Idai floods. Stakeholders and the Maunganidze community appreciates the lifeline that WFP has thrown to Chipinge rural.