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Red Cross sets developmental tone in Chipinge

Deputy Director for Provincial Affairs in Manicaland Provincial Affairs Minister's office,

Mr Terrence Machocho official opens Dakate Bridge

FORTY-TWO kilometres from Tanganda Halt towards Chisumbanje on the Ngundu-Tanganda Highway is Mwacheta Turn-Off. Travelling a further 15km on the Mwacheta-Chibuwe earth road is Chibuwe High School. And turning southwards for another three kilometres is Dakate Bridge, the project of the moment.

Officially opened by the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs for Manicaland Honourable Monica Mutsvangwa on 12 May this year at an occasion that was graced by President of Zimbabwe Red Cross Society Mr Edison Mlambo and Secretary General Mr Maxwell Phiri, the 100m long Dakate Bridge is a true testimony of how the Zimbabwean Government is taking development to needy communities.

Zimbabwe Red Cross Society President Mr Edison Mlambo (left) and

Secretary General Mr Maxwell Phiri (right) follow proceedings

at the commisioning of Dakate Bridge

Constructed deep in the communal areas of Chipinge’s Ward 20 where most people didn’t witness its progress, the bridge shows how development partners can work hand-in-glove with the Government in bringing smiles to folks in remote areas.

Funded by the humanitarian organisation, Red Cross, Dakate Bridge was built at a cost of $69 000 with Chipinge Rural Council, District Development Fund, Department of Public Works, Ministry of Roads and Ministry of Defense providing the technical expertise.

The Chief Executive Officer for Chipinge Rural District Council

Mr Blessing Mamvosha gives a speech at Dakate

The bridge plays a pivotal role in alleviating community problems. Before its construction, people of Dakate used to be cut off from Chibuwe Township whenever the river flooded. Dakate people access transport, shops, grinding mills, health services and schools in Chibuwe.

Councillor for Chipinge Ward 20, Charles Mugidho expressed gratitude at the construction of Dakate Bridge. He said: “When we sat as a ward to identify environmental problems affecting us, the people of Dakate singled out flooding as the most outstanding.

“We approached Red Cross with a bridge construction proposal. The organisation responded well and this is where we are today,” concluded Cllr Mugidho.

Vehicles pass through Dakate Bridge soon after its commissioning

President for Red Cross in Zimbabwe, Mr Edison Mlambo commented women for their role in the bridge project. “I am humbled by how Dakate women contributed in this project. I urge all other women to take leading roles in development projects elsewhere,” he said.

In a speech ready on her behalf by deputy director for provincial affairs in her office, Mr Terrence Machocho, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs for Manicaland, Honourable Monica Mutsvangwa applauded Red Cross for its humanitarian efforts in Manicaland.

Zimbabwe Red Cross Society ambassador, Alick Macheso provided entertainment at the occasion

According to Wikipedia, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is an international humanitarian movement founded in 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland, in particular by Henry Dunant and Gustave Moynier. the organisation has approximately 17 million volunteers, members and staff worldwide. It was founded to protect human life and health, to ensure respect for all human beings, and to prevent and alleviate human suffering.

National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies exist in nearly every country in the world.

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