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Insight into Human-Wildlife Conflict

A lion that was killed after it killed livestock in Bangwe communal lands of Chipinge this year.

This article is Part 1 of 5 on the conflict that ensures when human beings interact with wildlife. The series gives an insight into the conflict, its challenges, its effects, possible management strategies and if there be need, how best victims might be compensated. In the series, the term wildlife shall be biased towards wild animals.

SOUTHERN Africa has a rich wildlife base of both wild animals and wild plants. That is why it is leading in world peace parks projects which see national parks of more than one country being merged into one great one commonly known as Trans-Frontier Conservation Area.

Many Trans-Frontier Conservation Areas in the region are blessed with wildlife that range from those categorised as the Big Five to those classified as the Small Five. The Big Five animals consist of the African elephant, leopard, African buffalo, rhinoceros and lion.

Outcry erupts when humans come in contact with the Big Five game as well as others like hippopotamuses, crocodiles, painted hunting dogs and hyenas. This brings us to the question: What really is Human-Wildlife Conflict?

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) describes Human-Wildlife Conflict as “any interaction between humans and wildlife that results in negative impacts on human social, economic or cultural life, on the conservation of wildlife populations, or on the environment.”

The conflict is usually triggered by the following three factors: human responsibility, unforeseen occurrences and animal behaviour.

Human responsibility

People increase in numbers due to population explosion. They obviously clear new land for building homes and growing crops. Massive land clearance destroys land that might have been initially reserved for grazing or animal habitat.

Such settlements usually expand without professional planning leading to lack of basic infrastructure like water supply, roads and energy sources. To acquire water, people flock natural dams and rivers where they conflict with crocodiles and hippopotamuses.

For fuel and timber, migrants harvest wood from available forests or woodlots. There a conflict ensures between people and game like hyenas, lions and leopards. These animals want enough forest cover since they are naturally secretive and do not want exposure.

Another cause for the conflict is the attitude that was developed by communities in the 1960s when colonial governments moved people from their traditional homes to establish wildlife protected areas like wildlife sanctuaries, wildlife reserves and safari areas.

The moving away of natives from their original settlements by these governments as well as making the wildlife inaccessible to the communities led to a feeling that the authorities had robbed them of their much needed resources.

Those who trespassed into the wildlife reserves were punished in courts of law by paying heavy fines or even serving prison terms. In extreme cases, some even lost their lives. Frustrated, communities failed to appreciate the value and benefits of managing wildlife.

To communities, wildlife was seen as government property not theirs. People thus moved from the custom of respecting wildlife and would poach game using snares and poison. They would rather protect livestock than wildlife.

Unforeseen occurrences

Natural disasters like floods, diseases and droughts force people to migrate to other lands. Wars and civil unrests have displaced millions of people in Africa. The new settlers open new homes and fields for farming. Loss of animal habitat to new settlements leads to conflict.

Wildlife responsibility

Wildlife population is ever increasing while the habitat is non-expanding. Also, climate change has resulted in severe droughts which reduce the availability of animal food. So wildlife end up seeking alternative food sources like humans, crops and livestock.

Elephants and buffaloes tend to invade human settlements destroying building structures and crops. Hyenas, lions, painted hunting dogs and crocodiles kill livestock especially when they compete at water points and grazing areas. They may also kill people.

When communities continue losing human life, property and long-term investments like cattle, goats and crops, people end up retaliating. Wildlife authorities in Southern Africa do not have clear policies on compensation, thus adding salt to injury.

Human conflict with wildlife is far from end and has many challenges. The challenges shall be discussed in the forthcoming article.


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