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Euro 15K boost for Limpopo tourism

The director for Centre for Cultural Development

Initiatives, Mr Hebert Pikela

IN a move that will see rural communities around the Great Limpopo Trans-Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA) benefit, a Chiredzi based non-profit organisation has received support to host a proposed transboundary intercommunity exchange forum.

Centre for Cultural Development Initiative (CCDI) which coordinates community development activities through culture and conservation has received a funding of €15 265 (US$17 935) from Southern Africa Development Community German Development Cooperation (SADC/GIZ).

The transboundary intercommunity exchange and protection of natural resources forum shall take place from 23-27 October this year at Boli Muhlanguleni Cultural Village in Chiredzi South. The area is adjacent Gonarezhou National Park.

Being Zimbabwe’s second largest wildlife reserve, the Gonarezhou amalgamates with Kruger National Park of South Africa and Limpopo National Park of Mozambique to formulate a 35 000 square kilometre Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park.

Other reserves that compliment the Great Limpopo TFCA include Malilangwe Wildlife Reserve, Malipati Safari Area, Manjinji Pan Sanctuary, Chiredzi River, Save Valley, Bubye and Bubiana conservancies.

The director for CCDI Mr Hebert Pikela is humbled by the how the funding shall help boost rural communities in Chiredzi. Said Mr Pikela: “We are expecting delegates from the region. The forum is a boost to rural tourism since the event shall be hosted in a rural setup.”

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