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Spain Tourism Expo vital for Zimbabwe

AS we enter into the 2017 tourism season, it is encouraging to note that our country started by marketing the brand Zimbabwe abroad. It helps bring the much needed foreign currency.

Zimbabwe has broken records in the world tourism circles. South East Lowveld based conservationist, Mr Clive Stockil of Chilo Gorge Safari Lodge has won several world accolades in the industry that include the prestigious Tusk Trust Price William Award for Conservation in 2013.

It is worth mentioning that the world’s largest private owned wildlife reserve, Save Valley Conservancy is our own product. One of the world’s greatest public peace parks project, The Great Limpopo Trans Frontier Conservation Area incorporates our own second largest national wildlife reserve, Gonarezhou National Park. The Great Limpopo amalgamate our Gonarezhou with Limpopo and Kruger national parks of Mozambique and South Africa respectively.

One of The Seven Wonders of the World in the name of The Victoria Falls has been breaking records in attracting tourists on photographic tourism. Actually, Zimbabwe has what is needed to make it tick in the tourism circles.

A notable development in the country’s travel fairs Sanganai/Hlanganani World Tourism Expo. The travel exposition which usually takes place between May and June every year has been attracting exhibitors and buyers from countries such as Angola, Botswana, India, Kenya, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa and others.

In turn, Zimbabwe also participates in expositions that are held outside the country.

Exhibiting at international fairs help enhance the brand Zimbabwe. The brand has been negatively publicised since the turn of the millennium. Zimbabwe’s presence at such expositions help the tourism officials clear the negative perspectives by answering questions that will lead to a positive image of the country. International media houses usually cover the international fairs.

Another advantage for show casing at international fairs has much to do with gathering information on market trends. The tourism industry has to keep updated on customer needs so that it keeps its existing market and acquire new ones.

Zimbabwe is participating in the International Tourism Trade Fair/Feria Internacional de Turismo (FITUR) being held in the Spanish capital, Madrid. The fair started on Wednesday (18 January) and shall end on Sunday (22 January). This is the country’s ninth exhibition at the Spanish fair.

This year’s participation has another added advantage.

The Honourable Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Dr Walter Mzembi is leading the Zimbabwe delegation to Spain comprising officials from his Ministry and the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority.

On the sidelines of FITUR, Dr Walter Mzembi formally launched his Campaign for UNWTO Secretary General Post at a landmark reception event held yesterday in Madrid, Spain. The launch provided a platform for him to outline his vision and strategic plan of how he intends to lead the global tourism body if elected to the much coveted post.

Commenting on Zimbabwe’s participation at the fair, the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) Chief Executive Officer, Mr Karikoga Kaseke said: “FITUR offers an opportunity for Zimbabwe to leverage on the existing relations as well as forge strategic partnerships that are of essence to the promotion of Zimbabwe tourism in the global sphere.”

Mr Kaseke further outlined that the exhibition offers a platform to contribute to the global tourism deliberations and decisions that will further the development of tourism in Zimbabwe.

“Zimbabwe’s participation at this year’s edition of FITUR is not only essential from a destination marketing, networking and business exploration but also critical as Zimbabwe gears up for a challenge towards the interest of winning the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Secretary General Post to be occupied in September,” he added.

“With the UNWTO headquartered in Madrid, Spain, all the activities that further the campaign of the would-be UNWTO Secretary General candidature will be conducted during this period,” concluded the ZTA boss.

Zimbabwe has recorded an increase in arrivals of arrivals over the past year. Arrivals from Europe rose by 28 percent from 21 496 in 2015 to 27 433 in 2016 with Spain among the major European markets like Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, France, Germany and Austria that recorded increases.

FITUR is the leading tourism and trade fair in Spain and one of the most important in the travel industry worldwide attracting more than 10 000 exhibiting companies from 165 countries, more than 126 000 trade participants and 98 000 public visitation.

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