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Confronting challenges of rural tourism

PICTURE: A CBT enterprise should offer space for camping if it faces accommodation challenges during peak periods.

TOURISM has been considered to be one of the key six pillars of our economy since the adoption of Zimbabwe’s Tourism Policy of 2013. The plan proposes that tourism should increase by the year 2020 to the following targets: (a) 15% contribution to Gross Domestic Product, (b) over 3 million for international tourist arrivals and (c) over US$3 billion for tourism receipts.

With such targets, it is clear that all tourism related businesses should improve and try by all means to keep themselves viable. CBT (community-based tourism) or rural tourism enterprises cannot be spared.

Our previous article gave an insight into the challenges that hound rural tourism. How best can we confront the challenges?

Ownership conflict

Ownership conflict can be prevented if factors like greed, superiority complex and outside influence are guarded against. A CBT venture should lay down a strong foundation in term of its constitution, policies and terms of references. Greedy members of any organisation usually take advantages of policy loopholes to enrich themselves. The constitution should not pile all power on one person who in the end will run the venture as his personal tuck-shop. Such a scenario will lead to other members disgruntled and end up derailing the business.

A well planned public relations programme should be designed to cater for the section of the community which might whose land might have been affected by the CBT establishment. They should not be left feeling that the institution deprived them of “their heritage.” When such families feel that they didn’t lose, they don’t throw spanners in the CBT development but will jealously safeguard it.

Developing the marketing networks and trends

A CBT venture may collapse if it is not properly marketed. A marketing strategy should be implemented to attract as many clients possible throughout the year. This might include marketing the entity under the grouping of other similar ventures. In this wake of internet, it would be helpful if a CBT venture establish its own website in addition to advertising with other tourism networks. This would help it to reach potential clients from abroad. The website should market the kind of the clientele base the entity caters for most, for example sport-hunting tourists, cultural tourists or research tourists.

Market demands can change at any time. A CBT enterprise should adapt to change and not to remain conservative. Otherwise it would end up marketing a tired tourism product. In Zimbabwe, a lot of people are travelling within the country in the name of religion. It would be unwise for a CBT not to offer products that cater for domestic religious tourists.

A CBT initiative should introduce promotions to a trendy segment like religious tourists in order for them to keep flowing. It’s up to the initiative to suggest which offers to undertake, either promoting accommodation or food.

Acquisition of expertise

Since most experienced staff shun working in a rural set up, it is important that a CBT business investment much in training the semi-skilled or local staff that is readily available and is comfortable working in the rural areas.

Insufficient accommodation and status

Sometimes a CBT venture may operate in a region which doesn’t have adequate rooming to cater for tourists at peak periods. This is the case with the area around to Gonarezhou National Park in the south eastern parts of Zimbabwe. According to Zimbabwe Tourism Authority statistics, the region has 200 lodging rooms in total. In such a case, a CBT venture should make it a point that it provides space for camping sites. Some tourists may even enjoy camping than boarding.

In the other side, a CBT initiative may operate in an area where there is not even one 5-star facility. This may degrade the region’s status. This is the case with the whole of south eastern Lowveld again. It has no facility with a 5-star status. In such a case, the venture should market itself extensively to bring more business in the region. Establishment of 4 x 4 trails and cross-border tourism can work for region for it to be unique.

Tourism Development Zones

A CBT can apply to the finance ministry to be exempted from duty on specified goods imported into the country under the concept of TDZ (tourism development zone). Under TDZ, taxable income of an operator is as follows: 0% for the 5 years of operation, 15% for the second 5 years of operation, 20% for the third 5 years of operation and thereafter normal rates of corporate tax apply.

Communities should not be scary of undertaking rural tourism initiatives. Many tourism products can be offered for both domestic and foreign tourists. The following article shall look at how cultural dances can stir a CBT enterprise..

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